
Hatching Chicken Eggs: 10 Tips

Hatching Chicken Eggs: 10 Tips

Incubator with chicken eggs You’ve got your incubator and fertilized eggs, and you’ve read all the instructions on hatching and caring for chicks. Here are some tips for a good hatch. Housing plans: While this isn’t directly related to incubation, it’s an important point to remember! The majority of flock owners hatch eggs to get more hens. A hatch is naturally 50 percent female and 50 percent male, so before you set the eggs, make sure you have a plan for the roosters. Prepare well: Carefully follow the instructions that come with your incubator regarding humidity, temperature, egg turning, and...

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Real vs. Artificial Christmas Trees

Real vs. Artificial Christmas Trees

The largest debate regarding holiday trees breaks down into two camps: real versus artificial Christmas trees. The National Christmas Tree Association (yes, there is one!) reports some interesting figures on sales of these trees. In 2010, consumers purchased roughly 27 million real Christmas trees; outpacing artificial trees three times over (only 8.2 million artificial trees were sold). However, the average price paid by shoppers was nearly double for artificial trees ($64.61) than it was for real ($36.12). However, artificial trees can last around five to six years, so this cost is reduced when spread over time. A final tidbit is...

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Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

If you had pulled me aside when I was younger and asked if I knew the difference between store bought and fresh farm eggs, my response would most likely be, ‘eggs are eggs.’ Basically, I didn’t think there was a difference and all eggs were just delicious.  However, there is a difference between the two. I first learned this difference when I went to college in Central New York. Central New York is where I developed a passion for farmer’s markets, the concept of farm to table, and the importance of supporting your local community. So what is the real...

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How Supplements Can Benefit Your Horse

How Supplements Can Benefit Your Horse

Ideally, a natural grazing diet would meet all of your horse's nutritional needs, but that isn't always possible or practical. How, then, do you know if supplements are necessary, which ones may be best and how they can benefit your horse? Why You Might Need to Consider Supplements There are many reasons why adding supplements to your horse's diet may be helpful or even necessary. While every horse has different nutritional needs and not every horse will require supplements even in the same circumstances, factors that can influence a need for supplements include… Pasture Quality: If the only pasture available...

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